Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Importance of exercising Imagination

As i think about how we can function at an optimal level, i am rather struck with the huge role that Imagination plays in it. I would like to reiterate what i had mentioned in an earlier post, i.e. "Imagination is the basis for creativity". Why? Stimuli from the external world is received through the five senses (sight, hearing touch, taste and smell) and then processed via the mediation of the mind. This the key concept i.e. the mind gives meaning to the stimuli (within one's frame of reference). Even hard-wired automatic responses can be controlled by the exercise of will-power, which is nothing but the mind in action.

Thus in order to do anything at all, the mind needs to be controlled. Any activity that we do is only possible because we are able to focus the mind on that one task (however short the time period might be). If we can extend the time for which we can concentrate on a subject of study then we can have a deeper understanding of it which in turn will lead us to different perspectives from which we can look at it and finally the ability to see it in relationship to other subjects. This is creativity.

Imagination can be defined as something (a concept, an idea) forming in your mind based on;
  • Arrival of stimulus from one or more of the senses which then forms a basis for further inferences. The scientific method is based on this; you deduce from data.
  • Creating something in your own mind which might not have a basis in physical reality as it can be perceived by our five senses. For example we cannot perceive the ideas of Quantum theory by our senses like we can the Newtonian laws of motion. It has to be imagined and then experiments devised to prove or disprove the imagined theory.
Because you are creating something in your mind; your thoughts (the stuff making up your mind) are solely occupied by it. This is the definition of "focusing of attention" leading to concentration. Thus the more imagination you exercise the more vividly (by involving emotion) the more concentrated the mind becomes.

So how can you exercise your imagination more fruitfully?
  • Initially start with "something" you like to do without any external motivation. This is important; you will only spend time if you have intrinsic motivation. For example, i like reading detective, adventure and western novels.
  • When you are doing that "something", try and shutoff your other senses from receiving any external stimuli which distract the mind. Thus in the above example while reading, i don't listen to music etc.
  • Imagine a detailed and visual imagery regarding that "something" with as much emotional content as possible. By this process you are forcing the mind to be actively involved in the subject. This is the key concept; imagination is the result of the active participation of the mind in creating something. Thus in the above example i would imagine the main protagonists in the storyline, sympathize with the hero, imagine the context of the scenes etc.
  • Now bring in as much of your five senses into play in your imagination of the above "something". The mind then becomes completely focused by itself since the five senses have all turned inwards.
  • Try and maintain the state for as long as possible and repeat the process as often as possible.
  • Next take up a subject for which you have only external motivation and go through the above process consciously. It will be harder but once you start on the imagination path you will become intrinsically motivated towards the subject. You will find the whole experience immensely satisfying and rewarding.

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